Breslau - Sklower Shul, 2 Goldene Radegasse
The city of Breslau (today, Wrocław, the largest city in
Western Poland) had at least ten synagogues or prayer rooms
during the 18th century, several of which were attended by
Jews who came from the region, (for example, from the towns
of Zuelz, Glogau, and Lissa). The Sklower Shul synagogue
served Lithuanian and Volhynian Jewish merchants who
joined the community of Jews from Lissa in Breslau.
The Sklower Shul synagogue came into being when,
having tried to obtain permission to establish their own
congregation in Breslau in 1762/63, the Lissa Jews finally
received the authorization they needed in 1772 and, on April
1, 1772, opened a Beit Midrash (a house of Jewish learning)
at 2 Goldene Radegasse.
Rabbi Mordechai (born under the name Israel Isser)
Sklower financed the maintenance of the Beit Midrash.
Several documents, in fact, indicate that he was the founder.
In honor of this generous donor, the new establishment
was called Sklower Synagogue or “Sklower Shul” (“schul”
is the Yiddish word traditionally used for synagogue). The
synagogue’s memorial book, with its beautiful writing and
parchment, provided a history of the congregation. The
Sklower Shul was in use at least until 1932/33.
Although the building was damaged on Pogrom Night
(November 1938), it remained intact and survived the
bombings of 1945 too.
Author / Sources: Heidemarie Wawrzyn
Located in: silesia