General information: First Jewish presence: early 19th century; peak Jewish population: 287 in 1880; Jewish population in 1933: 118
Summary: At the beginning of the 19th century, 14 or 15 Jewish families
lived in Preussisch-Friedland (Polish: Debrzno). At some
point in the 1890s, the Jewish community consecrated a
synagogue (on Stretziner Strasse) and a Jewish cemetery.
In 1933, 118 Jews resided in Preussisch-Friedland;
thirty-two children studied religion with a teacher who also
performed the duties of chazzan and shochet. Three Jewish
welfare organizations (a chevra kadisha, founded in 1877; an
Israelite fund for supporting
the poor, founded in 1927;
and an Israelite women’s
association, founded in
1888) offered assistance
to the ill and the indigent.
Furthermore, three local
branches of national
organizations, such as the
Central Association of
German Citizens of Jewish
Faith, were active in the
During the years 1933 to
1935, anti-Semitic violence
intensified in Preussisch-
Friedland; windows in the
synagogue and in Jewish
homes were smashed, Jewish
property was attacked and
headstones at the cemetery
were overturned. On Pogrom Night (November 9-10, 1938), the synagogue
was destroyed, Jewish-owned stores were demolished and Jewish
men were sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
Many local Jews emigrated from or relocated within
Germany. In March 1940, the remaining Jews were sent to
the Buergergarten camp near Schneidemuehl, after which
they were deported to the concentration and extermination
camps in Eastern Europe. At least 12 Preussisch-Friedland
Jews perished in the Shoah.
In June 2010, the Jewish cemetery was desecrated.
Author / Sources: Heidemarie Wawrzyn
Sources: EJL, FJG, LJG, YV
Sources: EJL, FJG, LJG, YV
Located in: posen-west-prussia